Onshore Pipeline Regulations and Filing Manuals Update

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) is seeking feedback for the Phase 2 review of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR) and the Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment and Lands portion of the Filing Manuals (FM).

Important update: Submission deadline extended to March 31st, 2025.

The OPR are the main regulations we use to oversee pipelines in Canada. The FM explains what to include in an application for a potential project.

Phase 2 of the OPR/FM review launched on 17 June 2024. Engagement for this phase will take place from June to December 2024. The feedback collected will inform potential improvements to both the OPR and FM as well as any other related guidance and internal processes. Feedback received will be posted 2025. The CER completed Phase 1 engagement in 2023. See our What We Heard Report to read about the key themes we heard in Phase 1.

Please see the "Background Information" document in the right column of this page for further information about the OPR and FM review.

Phase 2 Engagement Overview

The CER is seeking feedback on various topics related to the OPR and FM. You can find information on each topic, as well as discussion questions, on the right side of this webpage, under the "Topic Papers" section.

In June, the CER hosted virtual information sessions to provide general information about the CER, the OPR and FM review project, and the topic papers. Topic-specific information sessions were offered through September.

The CER is now hosting on-demand workshops and meetings. Are you interested in attending or hosting a workshop focused on the OPR/FM review? Please contact opr_rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca.

Upcoming CER-Led Workshops

  • Industry Technical Engagement Workshop
    • 8-9 January 2025 (English) & 14-15 January 2025 (French)
    • Please contact opr_rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca for more information.
  • Technical Heritage Resource Workshop

Indigenous Peoples

The CER is looking to amend the OPR and the FM to incorporate specific localized knowledge held by Indigenous Peoples, as well as Indigenous laws, policies, practices and protocols. The CER is seeking to strengthen measures to prevent and address impacts to Indigenous rights and interests, including heritage resources and sites of Indigenous significance. If your community has thoughts to share on any of the topic papers, the CER would like to hear from you!

The funding application deadline has passed. If you have any questions or require support, please contact the OPR/FM project team at opr_rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca.

We Want to Hear from You

You are welcome to provide feedback on whichever topic is of interest to you. You can choose to submit feedback by:

  • E-mail (opr_rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca)
  • Idea board (below)
  • Mailed letter (Mailing Address included on site)
  • Webform (right column of this page)
  • Audio recording (further instructions coming soon).

The deadline to provide written feedback is 31 March 2025.

Feedback submitted will be posted publicly on the CER’s website for the OPR at CER Act – Regulations, Guidance Notes and Related Documents. Feedback received by the deadline will be considered in the review of the OPR.

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) is seeking feedback for the Phase 2 review of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR) and the Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment and Lands portion of the Filing Manuals (FM).

Important update: Submission deadline extended to March 31st, 2025.

The OPR are the main regulations we use to oversee pipelines in Canada. The FM explains what to include in an application for a potential project.

Phase 2 of the OPR/FM review launched on 17 June 2024. Engagement for this phase will take place from June to December 2024. The feedback collected will inform potential improvements to both the OPR and FM as well as any other related guidance and internal processes. Feedback received will be posted 2025. The CER completed Phase 1 engagement in 2023. See our What We Heard Report to read about the key themes we heard in Phase 1.

Please see the "Background Information" document in the right column of this page for further information about the OPR and FM review.

Phase 2 Engagement Overview

The CER is seeking feedback on various topics related to the OPR and FM. You can find information on each topic, as well as discussion questions, on the right side of this webpage, under the "Topic Papers" section.

In June, the CER hosted virtual information sessions to provide general information about the CER, the OPR and FM review project, and the topic papers. Topic-specific information sessions were offered through September.

The CER is now hosting on-demand workshops and meetings. Are you interested in attending or hosting a workshop focused on the OPR/FM review? Please contact opr_rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca.

Upcoming CER-Led Workshops

  • Industry Technical Engagement Workshop
    • 8-9 January 2025 (English) & 14-15 January 2025 (French)
    • Please contact opr_rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca for more information.
  • Technical Heritage Resource Workshop

Indigenous Peoples

The CER is looking to amend the OPR and the FM to incorporate specific localized knowledge held by Indigenous Peoples, as well as Indigenous laws, policies, practices and protocols. The CER is seeking to strengthen measures to prevent and address impacts to Indigenous rights and interests, including heritage resources and sites of Indigenous significance. If your community has thoughts to share on any of the topic papers, the CER would like to hear from you!

The funding application deadline has passed. If you have any questions or require support, please contact the OPR/FM project team at opr_rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca.

We Want to Hear from You

You are welcome to provide feedback on whichever topic is of interest to you. You can choose to submit feedback by:

  • E-mail (opr_rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca)
  • Idea board (below)
  • Mailed letter (Mailing Address included on site)
  • Webform (right column of this page)
  • Audio recording (further instructions coming soon).

The deadline to provide written feedback is 31 March 2025.

Feedback submitted will be posted publicly on the CER’s website for the OPR at CER Act – Regulations, Guidance Notes and Related Documents. Feedback received by the deadline will be considered in the review of the OPR.

  • Extension of Submission Deadline for Phase 2 – Onshore Pipeline Regulations and Filing Manuals Review

    The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) is extending the feedback period related to the review of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR) and the Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment and Lands portion of the Filing Manuals. After meeting and hearing from funding recipients and interested parties, we are extending the comment submission deadline to 31 March 2025.

    If you have received a contribution agreement, a CER representative will be in contact with you separately to amend it to reflect the new deadline. Of note, this will not impact your funding, and no change is required for grant recipients.

    The project webpage, which includes the topic papers, can be found here: https://www.cerdialogue.ca/opr.

    If you have any questions, please contact the OPR/Filing Manuals project team at opr-rpt@cer-rec.gc.ca.

    We thank you for your continued interest in participating in this important initiative and look forward to receiving your submissions.

  • CER Regulatory Framework

    supporting image

    The Regulatory Framework, depicted in the graphic below, provides the structure around which all our regulatory activities take place. The Regulations, Regulatory Documents and Guidance are the regulatory tools we use to execute our mandate, through our Core Responsibilities. The execution of our mandate is shaped by Government policy, our governance, strategic priorities, and our regulatory approaches (Fact Sheet – CER Regulatory Framework).

  • Phase 1 - Archive

    Onshore Pipeline Regulations and Filing Manuals Update


    The Canada Energy Regulator has initiated a review of:

    • the Onshore Pipeline Regulations (OPR), and

    • the Environmental and Socio-Economic and Lands portion of the Filing Manuals (Filing Manuals).

    The OPR are the main regulations we use to oversee pipelines in Canada. The Filing Manuals explain what to include in an application for a potential project.

    The CER completed its first phase of engagement in 2023. Engagement will continue in 2024. The feedback collected will inform potential improvements to both regulatory instruments.

    Feedback Received

    In 2022, the CER received 97 submissions in response to the Discussion Paper(External link), including from Indigenous groups (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit), regulated companies, municipalities, government departments and other interested parties. In April 2023, the CER released a summary report(External link) to share the key themes we heard following engagement on a Discussion Paper(External link). Submissions received can also be read on the CER Dialogue website.

    UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Canada's Action Plan

    On 21 June 2023, the Department of Justice published the Government of Canada’s Action Plan(External link) to achieve the objectives of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Declaration), and to identify measures needed to ensure federal laws are consistent with the UN Declaration. The Action Plan provides a roadmap of actions Canada needs to take in partnership with Indigenous peoples to implement the principles and rights set out in the UN Declaration and to further advance reconciliation in a tangible way. Measure 34 of the Action Plan explicitly references the Review of the OPR and Filing Manuals and can be read here(External link).

    We are working with the TMX Indigenous Caucus, NRCan and other Indigenous partners on how to implement Measure 34 and will be seeking input on how to achieve these objectives in upcoming engagement.

    Coming up in 2024

    In 2023, the CER focused on developing options to address the issues we heard to date and planning further engagement. Engagement in 2024 is being informed by feedback received to date, including learnings from a pilot workshop held in June with members of the Trans Mountain Expansion and the Line 3 Indigenous Advisory Monitoring Committees (IAMCs).

    We will be announcing funding and engagement opportunities in 2024, and will focus on the following topics:

    1. Emerging areas of oversight (designing requirements for socio-economic factors, rights and interests, and engagement),

    1. Improving oversight of and clarifying guidance for existing technical requirements (safety, security, environmental protection, etc.,) and

    1. Implementation considerations (Leveraging the use of Technical Guidance, and improving how we carry out oversight activities)

Page last updated: 13 Jan 2025, 07:51 AM