Canada's Energy Future / Avenir énergétique du Canada
Canada’s Energy Future, a flagship series of publications by the Canada Energy Regulator (CER), provides critical insight into the long-term energy landscape for Canadians. It uses economic and energy models to explore potential pathways for Canada’s energy future, based on assumptions about certain trends, including climate policies, technology, and consumer behavior. The upcoming edition, Canada’s Energy Future 2025 (EF2025), will include scenarios that are consistent with Canada’s commitment to achieve net-zeroemissions by 2050 as well as a baseline “Current Measures” scenario.
On June 20, 2024, the CER released a Discussion Paper and Survey to solicit feedback and insights from Canadians. A summary report highlights the key themes and comments that emerged from the Survey, while maintaining the confidentiality of respondents. The Survey responses provided valuable input that we are considering as part of our analysis.
We are committed to transparency in our modeling efforts.
Note that the CER’s Canada’s Energy Future series and its broader energy information work are distinct and independent from the CER’s role in adjudicating and regulating energy infrastructure in Canada. As such, this engagement is an avenue to inform Canadians and gather feedback to refine the next version of Canada’s Energy Future and is not a regulatory proceeding or inquiry.
The PDF link to the What We Heard report (linked at the top of the column to the right) distills the key themes identified in the responses. We are thoroughly evaluating all the feedback and will carefully determine what to integrate into our work—both for EF2025 and future CER Energy Information products—and how.
Canada’s Energy Future, a flagship series of publications by the Canada Energy Regulator (CER), provides critical insight into the long-term energy landscape for Canadians. It uses economic and energy models to explore potential pathways for Canada’s energy future, based on assumptions about certain trends, including climate policies, technology, and consumer behavior. The upcoming edition, Canada’s Energy Future 2025 (EF2025), will include scenarios that are consistent with Canada’s commitment to achieve net-zeroemissions by 2050 as well as a baseline “Current Measures” scenario.
On June 20, 2024, the CER released a Discussion Paper and Survey to solicit feedback and insights from Canadians. A summary report highlights the key themes and comments that emerged from the Survey, while maintaining the confidentiality of respondents. The Survey responses provided valuable input that we are considering as part of our analysis.
We are committed to transparency in our modeling efforts.
Note that the CER’s Canada’s Energy Future series and its broader energy information work are distinct and independent from the CER’s role in adjudicating and regulating energy infrastructure in Canada. As such, this engagement is an avenue to inform Canadians and gather feedback to refine the next version of Canada’s Energy Future and is not a regulatory proceeding or inquiry.
The PDF link to the What We Heard report (linked at the top of the column to the right) distills the key themes identified in the responses. We are thoroughly evaluating all the feedback and will carefully determine what to integrate into our work—both for EF2025 and future CER Energy Information products—and how.
Feedback received will be for internal use only. Personal details and responses will not be published publicly. A summary report containing aggregated and anonymized responses will be published on the CER website after the survey closes. Information collected will be stored, secured, and deleted as per the CER’s retention and disposition standards. Please see our terms and conditions for more privacy information. Participation to this survey is voluntary and you may choose to skip any of the fields below.