Export and Import Regulatory Framework

Important Update

The Canada Gazette, Part I 45-day public comment period closed 28 January 2025. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.


The export and import regulatory framework, established under the NEB Act, consists of 4 regulations: National Energy Board Part VI (Oil and Gas) Regulations; National Energy Board Electricity Regulations; National Energy Board Export and Import Reporting Regulations; and Toll Information Regulations.

These 4 regulations provide the CER with information to assess oil, gas, and electricity export applications, applications for the construction and operation of international powerlines (IPLs), and reporting of export, import, and toll information. These regulations enable the CER to understand the functioning of energy markets in Canada in order to fulfill its mandate as Canada’s energy expert.

As a result of changes to the enabling legislation, these 4 regulations are inconsistent with the regulation-making authorities, scope, and language of the CER Act and must be updated. The CER brought forward 3 regulatory proposals to repeal the 4 NEB Act regulations and replace them with 5 CER Act regulations, reflecting the restructured regulation-making authorities in the CER Act. The proposed regulations reproduce sections found in the current NEB Act regulations and incorporate updates to align with the CER Act and increase clarity.

The CER’s intention to update the export and import regulatory framework has been communicated on its external Regulatory Framework Plan and Forward Regulatory Plan since 2018, and the Regulatory Stock Review Plan from 2019.

Public Comment Period

The proposed regulations were pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 45-day public comment period from 14 December 2024 to 28 January 2025. Canada Gazette is the official newspaper of the Government of Canada and is used to inform and involve Canadians in the legislative process. During the public comment period, we sought feedback from Indigenous Peoples, companies, and other interested parties on the proposed regulations.

All comments will be reviewed by the CER and considered as part of the regulatory development process. Comments that conform to the terms of use will be posted in the Closed consultations with published comments section on the Canada Gazette website, usually within 30 days.

Future Review - Energy Transition

This regulatory proposal aligns the regulations with the CER Act. A separate review that considers how the CER’s regulatory framework can support Canada’s move towards cleaner energy sources will be undertaken at a future date. The CER will consult with Indigenous Peoples and interested parties during that review and development of any substantive changes to the regulations. That review will be like the one currently underway for the CER’s Onshore Pipeline Regulations Review.

Contact us

Please email EIRF@cer-rec.gc.ca for more information about these proposed regulations.

If you would like to receive updates on the regulatory proposal, please subscribe to "Register for project updates." All opportunities for engagement will also be posted on the CER's Consultation and Engagement Activities webpage.

Important Update

The Canada Gazette, Part I 45-day public comment period closed 28 January 2025. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.


The export and import regulatory framework, established under the NEB Act, consists of 4 regulations: National Energy Board Part VI (Oil and Gas) Regulations; National Energy Board Electricity Regulations; National Energy Board Export and Import Reporting Regulations; and Toll Information Regulations.

These 4 regulations provide the CER with information to assess oil, gas, and electricity export applications, applications for the construction and operation of international powerlines (IPLs), and reporting of export, import, and toll information. These regulations enable the CER to understand the functioning of energy markets in Canada in order to fulfill its mandate as Canada’s energy expert.

As a result of changes to the enabling legislation, these 4 regulations are inconsistent with the regulation-making authorities, scope, and language of the CER Act and must be updated. The CER brought forward 3 regulatory proposals to repeal the 4 NEB Act regulations and replace them with 5 CER Act regulations, reflecting the restructured regulation-making authorities in the CER Act. The proposed regulations reproduce sections found in the current NEB Act regulations and incorporate updates to align with the CER Act and increase clarity.

The CER’s intention to update the export and import regulatory framework has been communicated on its external Regulatory Framework Plan and Forward Regulatory Plan since 2018, and the Regulatory Stock Review Plan from 2019.

Public Comment Period

The proposed regulations were pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I for a 45-day public comment period from 14 December 2024 to 28 January 2025. Canada Gazette is the official newspaper of the Government of Canada and is used to inform and involve Canadians in the legislative process. During the public comment period, we sought feedback from Indigenous Peoples, companies, and other interested parties on the proposed regulations.

All comments will be reviewed by the CER and considered as part of the regulatory development process. Comments that conform to the terms of use will be posted in the Closed consultations with published comments section on the Canada Gazette website, usually within 30 days.

Future Review - Energy Transition

This regulatory proposal aligns the regulations with the CER Act. A separate review that considers how the CER’s regulatory framework can support Canada’s move towards cleaner energy sources will be undertaken at a future date. The CER will consult with Indigenous Peoples and interested parties during that review and development of any substantive changes to the regulations. That review will be like the one currently underway for the CER’s Onshore Pipeline Regulations Review.

Contact us

Please email EIRF@cer-rec.gc.ca for more information about these proposed regulations.

If you would like to receive updates on the regulatory proposal, please subscribe to "Register for project updates." All opportunities for engagement will also be posted on the CER's Consultation and Engagement Activities webpage.

Page last updated: 03 Feb 2025, 03:48 PM